
Heya peeps! I am finally back from all the rush of work. I haven’t had time to myself to blog because of work. Ish. Anyways, work was fun while it lasted. Managed to meet new people, see the true colours of the joy in kids, and experience the fucked up behaviours of asshole parents. Yes, it was sure fun while it lasted.

Actually, I am supposed to be working now, but I had been excused because I had some issues that led me to be cut from work for a while. No, it has nothing to do with the way I perform at work, it’s more of my current condition. I shall not go further on that. In the meanwhile, I still have two more days to go for work – tomorrow and Saturday. I just can’t wait for it to be over. Somehow, the atmosphere this time around isn’t the same as before..Ah well. haha.

Anyhow, what had been happening at work? Same ol’, same ol’ – work work work, go home, sleep, and the next day get back to work. haha. Though, there was one happening that is worth blogging, and it’s about Pig’s birthday. You will freaked if I tell you what I got for her for her birthday. haha. Anyways, the story goes like this…

It was around 3 days before her birthday.

That time around, our roadshow had landed in Aeon, Bukit Tinggi, Klang. It was approaching her birthday and I have NO IDEA on what to get her. haha. The initial plan was to bring her to La Senza for her to get good lingeries. haha. That was what I promised her months before her birthday. It was simply because she wanted good quality lingeries for once in her life. So, me being me, I usually tend to say stuff like..“come! I’ll buy for you for your birthday!” haha. Anyways, that plan went down the drain when I found there was no La Senza in Aeon, Bukit Tinggi. Since then onwards, I did not know on what to get for her.

So back to the story. Around 3 days before her birthday, I was pondering to myself, at the backstage, on what to get for her. I have no idea at all. I wanted to get her a phone for her birthday since she lost hers in Aeon, Tebrau City, JB, but it just doesn’t seem right. Because, phones to her, is something that needs to be like her, so I thought, she has to get her own phone because she has to choose for herself. And that idea went down the drain.

The next one I had in mind was a DSLR camera. She had been wanting one for a while now, but she hasn’t had the money to get it. She truly love photography, she do, but she just don’t have the money to get it. So I thought, why not I get it? You must be thinking..WHAT??! haha. Well, listen first.

On that same day, I went and survey the camera. I surveyed, loved it and I thought the quality of it isn’t too bad. And guess what? haha. I bought it on the spot. hahahaa. People were saying I’m crazy for doing so. haha. It is a good quality camera. I was torn between a nikon and a canon, but I ended up buying the canon instead. The model of it is D1000, ESO series. It is a really good camera. For the price I bought, which was RM2100, I got a camera, tripod stand, and a camera bag – and of course, the strap. It was a really good deal. haha.

I’ve got some picture I got off the internet. Have a look.

Canon 1000D, ESO series

Video Camera / DSLR Tripod Stand

Camera Bag

Yeap. I bought that for her. haha. It was crazy of me, but it was all worth it. I was so excited. haha. I wanted to surprise her with the gift on her birthday, but, there were some mishap that had occurred the day after.

So..two days before her birthday.

A day birthday before her birthday, something came up at work that made her all tired and stressed out emotionally. I vaguely remember what was it about, but it was something quite upsetting to her. She was really upset and stressed out and over-worked. When I was away for my one hour dinner break, I went to collect the camera, got it wrapped and had brought it to backstage without her knowing. haha. I wanted to bring surprise her the next day, but seeing her like that, that day, had led me to give her the gift two day beforehand.

Funny thing was, I got it wrapped in those shops like SnJ and memory lane. haha. She was thrown off and assumed I bought something for her from SnJ. heh..When she was alone at the backstage, I asked her if she wants her gift now? She was like huh? And I went, yeah, your gift is in the backstage now. She was like..hah? Since when? haha. Then, she had to go off somewhere and then a few minutes later, I find her in the backstage, crying. wtf? It was then that I knew I had to give her.

I went up to her and said these exact words:

“Hey pig..You are allowed to open your gift now, but do not take it out here”

she was like “okay..*sobbing away*”

I then said…”you are also not allowed to scream at me, to give me back your present or to be angry that I bought it”

she was like “what is it la?”

I went..”here, you open it”

As she was opening it, someone came in to get something but did not know where, so I had to find for them. In midst of finding the stuff, she went like..”omg dude..omg..why did you waste so much money?” I was like “WAIT!” haha. Find find find, found! haha. Give it to them and straight went back to pig. I went up to her and said..

“you needed something to keep your passion alive. you needed this to keep you going”

she went like..”but it’s so expensive…”

I then said “I don’t need the money, you do. You need the money more than I do – and I know it”

She was then all quiet and then she started crying again. haha. She said that I confused her emotions. It was happy but sad but frustrated, etc, etc. I then said to her..

“pig, you need your money more than I need my money. I don’t need it. I just spend it, but you, you need your money”

she then said, “but you’ll be starting your college next year, you’ll be struggling”

I said, “no I won’t. I will have the time to gain back what I have used. I have time. I’ve got time ’till May next year, you don’t”

Then she just cry and cry and cry, I said to her..

“Pig..I’m just a friend who loves you”

Then..she turned to me,, hugged me and said..”thank you..”

I said..”you’re most welcome. you deserve this”

haha. Dialogue mode! hahaha. So that was what happened. Charlene is a real good friend of mine that I love really much. That birthday, was really a shock for her. I hope she is happy with her camera.

I really love her, I do. There’s nothing in the world I will not do for her. I have no idea why, but I just feel she need me around to support her. Though it hurts at times,  but, it’s worth the pain..

And that concludes my blog for today. You readers have a good day 🙂 Happy Holidays!

~ by LaneHoz on December 1, 2009.

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